Table of Contents

How to Make a TTT Map

Whether you are starting a new level or adding support for an existing map making it game ready is pretty simple. All that is required are weapon placements and spawnpoints. The rest of the entities are optional (Advanced Entities Explanation).


To set up spawns simply drop a player_info_start into the world for each spot a want a player to spawn, the player will spawn right on it and face the direction the preview shows.

It is HIGHLY recommended you place down as many spawns as you can so higher population servers don't run into issues.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 32 spawnpoints, that is usually what bigger servers cap their player slots at.

Weapon Placements

There a few ways to do weapon placements on your map. You can either do random placements with ttt_weapon_random, ttt_grenade_random, and ttt_ammo_random or do hand placements of each gun. You can also do a bit of both.

Random Weapon Spawner

The easiest and most versatile method for gun placements is using Random Weapon Spawner. This gameobject will choose a random weapon from the list of regular terrorist weapons. To use, simply place in hammer where you want the weapon to spawn. It has a big bounding that marks where weapons could possibly spawn with a revolving preview. The preview will show how each weapon and ammo box will spawn with your settings. If the bounding box is not inside of something the weapon will have no issue spawning where you placed it.

Random Weapon Spawner in hammer

an example of how Random Weapon Spawner will show up in game

You can determine how many ammo boxes spawn with the weapon. To do this go into the Object Properties in hammer and change the number for the “Ammo to Spawn”. If you do not change the ammo amount gun will spawn with no ammo.

The “Start Asleep” option will force the object to spawn static until it is damaged or interacted with by a player if checked.

Note: Choosing more than two ammo boxes may cause it to spawn outside of the bounding box. The preview will still show you where the boxes will spawn, though.


Random Ammo Spawner & Random Grenade Spawner

These will spawn a random grenade or ammo box where you place them. Simply place them down where you want them to spawn. The preview will show how it will spawn.

Hand Placements

If you want a consistent spawn for a certain weapon, you can use the gun entities and manually place them. To find the weapon entity names select the Entity Tool for the game and type in, “weapons” in the search bar.

Each weapon and ammo type has its own world model when you place it, this will show you exactly where it will spawn. Just simply place them where you want them to appear. You should put the correct ammo type near each weapon if you want them to have ammo, how much is up to preference.

an example of manual placements


Uploading and Adding Support

Adding support is very simple, but must be done when uploading/updating your map through Make sure the map is final compiled before uploading.

Make sure the vmap name is 16 characters or less and does not contain spaces or symbols. Only letters, numbers, and underscores will work

Uploading A Map

Make sure before you compile your map you

To upload your map simply go to the editor and find the vmap file in the asset browser for your map and click it. The inspector will show an option to Publish as package, check it.

Click the upload button that appears. It will open up a menu, click Project Setup on the top left and find Supported Games under Target Information. Click in the box next to it and then type in thieves.terrortown

Note: If you need to support multiple games you can separate them with a semicolon as shown below

Once entered it should show the icon for TTT in the box (will show a random one for multiple games). From there click save and then go back to Upload to Asset Party on the bottom.

Enter the package indent (MUST BE THE SAME AS VPK AND VMAP) and select your org and then hit next.

On the next page fill out the Title option with the name you want to map to be with proper formatting (ex. community_pool can be Community Pool). You can change everything on this page later in asset party. Only thing required is the title.


Once you are done hit next, s&box will now find all the assets the map needs so it will freeze for a bit. Once it lists items as shown in the image below hit Upload to begin uploading the map.

Once the upload is complete you can fill out a change log if you want or let it auto fill with the date. When you are ready click Publish New Revision

Congratulations your TTT map is now published!

Note: Players will have to restart their s&box to see the map if they have it open when you upload