====== About the Moderation System ====== There is a robust moderation system built into TTT that allows for common moderation tasks, including banning and kicking players, adding or removing slays, managing player admin roles, and gagging and muting players. ===== Permission levels ===== Permission levels are assigned using the !role command on the console (ttt_moderator_role) or in-game. ==== User ==== Users generally have permission to call votes, and that's it. No further special permissions are granted by this role. ==== Moderator ==== Moderators generally have permission to moderate the game. They have permission to kick and ban users, add and remove slays, and gag and ungag players. ==== Administrator (Admin) ==== Administrators have large oversight over the server and its functionality. Along with the basic moderation commands, they also have the ability to change the map, noclip, and ignite players. ==== Super Administrator (SuperAdmin) ==== The key feature of the superadmin role is the ability to assign users to other roles, and set server convars, along with the permissions of the previous tiers. These users have essentially all permissions to the server. ===== Commands ===== ==== !afk ==== * Power level required: **User** Toggle Spectator Mode on yourself. ==== !announce ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_announce** * Power level required: **Moderator** Show a message at the top left (popup area). ==== !aslay ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_add_slay** * Power level required: **Moderator** Add a number of slays to a player. The player will be slain for the next rounds (regardless of whether they log off/log on or the map changes). Negative numbers are accepted. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !ban ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_ban** * Power level required: **Moderator** Ban a player. ==== !bring ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_bring** * Power level required: **Admin** Teleport the to you. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !cvar ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_setcvar** * Power level required: **SuperAdmin** (Try to) set a convar to a particular value. ==== !goto ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_goto** * Power level required: **Admin** Teleport to the . The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !gag ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_gag** * Power level required: **Moderator** Gag a player (restrict them from using voice chat). The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !ignite ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_ignite** * Power level required: **Admin** Ignite a player on fire. They will take damage like they normally would if they were on fire. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !kick ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_kick** * Power level required: **Moderator** Kick a player. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !logs ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_logs** * Power level required: **User** Open the damagelogs. If you are a Moderator or higher, this will include logs for the current round. ==== !map ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_map** * Power level required: **Admin** Change the map immediately. ==== !noclip ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_noclip** * Power level required: **Admin** Enable or disable noclip. ==== !rcolor ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_rcolor** * Power level required: **Admin** Change the color of a role on the scoreboard. ==== !reset ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_reset** * Power level required: **Admin** End the current round immediately and start a new one. This has some side effects: * The previous round's damage logs will be kept. * The round number on the scoreboard will not increment. ==== !role ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_role** * Power level required: **SuperAdmin** Assign a user to a role. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !rtv ==== * Power level required: **User** Rock the vote, i.e. vote to call a votemap earlier than the max number of rounds on the map. ==== !slap ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_slap** * Power level required: **Moderator** Force a player to take a certain amount of damage. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !slay ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_slay** * Power level required: **Moderator** Immediately kill a player. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !spec ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_spec** * Power level required: **Moderator** Force a player to join spectator mode. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !tempban ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_tempban** * Power level required: **Moderator** Temporarily ban a player for . ==== !team ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_team** * Power level required: **Admin** Force a player to join a particular team. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !unban ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_unban** * Power level required: **Moderator** Unban a player. ==== !ungag ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_ungag** * Power level required: **Moderator** Ungag a player. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !votekick ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_votekick** * Power level required: **User** Vote to kick a player. The player will kicked and be banned until the end of the map if the vote passes. The PlayerResolvable (player name or ID) must be online at the time of running the command. ==== !votemap ==== * In the console: **ttt_moderator_votemap** * Power level required: **User** Vote to change the map. The map will be changed immediately if the vote passes.